Sanel Selimovic

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Dating App

Dating App

Intelligent Dating

Intelligent Dating

Intelligent Dating



A unique dating app designed to enhance dating experiences and support relationship growth through post-date feedback and "Relational Assets" scoring. As a cross-platform application for iOS and Android, it aims to match users more accurately by analyzing behavior beyond stated preferences. My role as the sole designer involved developing over 200 screens and an interactive prototype to aid in the app’s venture capital funding efforts.

Project Date


Project Type

iOS + Android



my role

my role

As the main designer I was responsible for transforming initial wireframes into a fully realized design. This process involved the creation of more than 200 screens, including numerous iterations to cover various user states and interactions. Additionally, I developed an interactive prototype, serving as a crucial tool for the client’s pitch to potential investors.



Adapting design practices for a color-blind users to ensure the app's accessibility and inclusivity.

Incorporating a feedback mechanism that is both engaging and informative, allowing users to genuinely benefit from post-date insights and relational asset tracking.

Designing an intuitive interface for a complex application with unique features extending beyond conventional dating apps.

One significant challenge was designing for a color-blind client, necessitating adjustments in color differentiation and ensuring the app was accessible to all users. Additionally, the project's scope, involving over 300 screens and complex functionalities like post-date feedback and relational scoring, required meticulous planning and iteration. Balancing client expectations with the practicalities of app design also posed a unique set of considerations.



User Testing

Design Handoff

Customer Interviews

Design System

UI & UX Design

Interactive Prototyping

project timeline

project timeline

This figure presents an overview of the project's lifecycle, illustrating the phased approach from initial market research through to the development stage. It encapsulates the meticulous process undertaken to ensure that each step, from wireframing to UI design and the establishment of a style guide.

business objectives

business objectives

Aims to innovate the dating app market by emphasizing behavioral matching and ongoing relationship support through "Relational Assets." The app’s development focuses on securing venture capital funding with an interactive prototype highlighting its unique approach. This investment will enable the launch and growth of the app, promising a more engaged and insightful user experience in the digital dating domain.

Sunset Red

A vibrant red that captures the passionate energy of a sunset, perfect for sparking connections.

Twilight Blue

A deep blue reminiscent of the sky at dusk, offering a calm and trusting backdrop for new beginnings.



This visual showcase features key elements like buttons, input fields, and information cards, each meticulously designed to enhance usability and maintain brand consistency across the platform.

final assets

final assets



The project is currently in the fundraising stage, with a well-received interactive prototype that showcases the app’s unique features and design to potential investors. While awaiting VC funding, the design work has laid a solid foundation for Inelidate's development, promising a new direction in dating and relationship apps by focusing on growth and feedback.

See this project in Figma

See this project in Figma

Dan Brown


Sanel is an outstanding designer, always eager to educate clients on best UX/UI principles, and great at implementing the same. He’s a true professional: great grasp of Figma, excellent communication skills and a gift at thinking of the user.

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© 2024 Sanel Selimovic

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