Sanel Selimovic

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Wend Education

Wend Education

Transforming College Prep

Transforming College Prep

Transforming College Prep



At Wend Education, I spearheaded the comprehensive redesign and development of a groundbreaking iOS app aimed at revolutionizing the college prep process for students. Addressing the shortcomings of the existing application, we transitioned from Adobe XD to Figma, crafting a robust design system and a fresh visual style. Over five months, in close collaboration with the founder and a dedicated developer, we meticulously reimagined the user experience, enabling students to effortlessly explore universities, manage applications, and access personalized college prep resources. The result was a highly intuitive, user-friendly app that was successfully launched on the App Store, significantly enhancing the college prep journey for students.

Project Date


Project Type



Occam Education

my role

my role

As the Lead Product Designer for Wend Education's mobile app, my responsibilities encompassed every facet of the design process. This included the initial audit and transfer of existing designs from Adobe XD into Figma, the creation of a comprehensive design system, and the establishment of a new visual style that aligned with the educational goals of the platform.

Working directly with the founder and the development team, I facilitated a seamless integration of design and development efforts, ensuring that the final product not only met but exceeded our collective vision. My role was critical in transforming abstract concepts into a tangible and impactful user experience, culminating in the successful launch of the app tailored specifically for college-bound students.



Enhance User Engagement: By creating a more intuitive and visually appealing interface, the goal was to significantly improve user engagement and satisfaction, encouraging more students to utilize the app for their college prep needs.

Streamline the College Prep Process: Simplify the process of finding schools, bookmarking universities, applying for programs, and accessing personalized resources, making the app a one-stop solution for college preparation.

Increase App Adoption and Retention: Boost the app's adoption rate among target users (prospective college students) and improve retention by offering a superior user experience compared to existing college prep tools.

The primary challenge in the Wend Education project was to overhaul an underperforming college prep application that was not meeting the needs of its student users. The existing app, developed with Adobe XD, suffered from a lack of intuitive navigation, a coherent design system, and an engaging visual style, resulting in low user engagement and satisfaction. Students found it difficult to efficiently explore educational opportunities, manage their application processes, and access personalized resources.

Additionally, the transition of design assets from Adobe XD to Figma required meticulous attention to ensure a seamless transfer without loss of data or functionality. Addressing these issues was paramount to revitalize the app's user experience and to support students in their college preparation journey effectively.



User Testing

Design Handoff

Customer Interviews

Design System

UI & UX Design

Interactive Prototyping

project timeline

project timeline

This figure presents an overview of the project's lifecycle, illustrating the phased approach from initial market research through to the development stage. It encapsulates the meticulous process undertaken to ensure that each step, from wireframing to UI design and the establishment of a style guide.

business objectives

business objectives

The main business objectives for the Wend Education app redesign were to significantly enhance the app’s functionality and user experience for students navigating the college preparation journey. We aimed to streamline the search for schools and programs, improve the efficiency of the application process, and provide a personalized user experience through improved profile management.

The project sought to boost user engagement by facilitating easy comparison of different programs and direct application submission through the app. By achieving these goals, Wend Education aimed to become a leading resource for students seeking to make informed decisions about their educational futures, thereby increasing user adoption and satisfaction.

information architecture

information architecture

The creation of the Information Architecture (IA) was a foundational step in the design process, serving as a strategic blueprint that guided our design thinking. By mapping out the app's structure, we were able to visualize and plan the user journey, ensuring a seamless and intuitive navigation experience.

Scholar Green

We incorporated Scholar Green to evoke an atmosphere of growth and learning, signifying the app's focus on education and creating a welcoming environment for students to explore educational opportunities with enthusiasm.

Knowledge Navy

Knowledge Navy was selected to convey a sense of depth and professionalism, showcasing the app as a reliable resource for educational information and college-related guidance.



This visual showcase features key elements like buttons, input fields, and information cards, each meticulously designed to enhance usability and maintain brand consistency across the platform.



Harri is a high school senior with a passion for science and dreams of becoming a veterinarian. He’s excited about the prospect of attending college but feels overwhelmed by the application process and entrance exams. Harri values platforms that simplify the college search and exam preparation journey.

Olivia is a seasoned college counselor with years of experience assisting students in their college application journeys. She's looking for platforms that offer accurate and up-to-date information about colleges and can aid her in providing tailored guidance to her students. Olivia values platforms that align with her mission to help students find their best-fit colleges.

user interviews

user interviews

User interviews were crucial in tailoring our UI design to meet the specific needs and expectations of SoFi Invest's users. These conversations provided direct insights into user preferences and pain points, guiding us to develop an intuitive, user-centered interface that truly resonated with our audience.

previous design

previous design

final assets

final assets



The culmination of our five-month collaboration was the launch of a revitalized mobile app that fundamentally transformed the college prep experience for students. By overhauling the user interface and streamlining the application process, we achieved a user-friendly platform that empowered students to navigate their college preparation journey with confidence and ease.

The redesigned app, now available on the App Store, has been met with positive feedback from users for its intuitive design and comprehensive functionality. Our efforts have not only elevated Wend Education's digital presence but also set a new standard for educational apps in the college prep domain, demonstrating the profound impact of thoughtful design on enhancing student engagement and success.

See this project in Figma

See this project in Figma

Dan Brown


Best designer we’ve had the pleasure to work with (we’ve worked with a number). He’s got a keen eye for detail, and he’s a true professional. We’ll work with him on all our web + mobile designs going forward, and I would recommend him to anyone I like (and no one I dislike!).

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© 2024 Sanel Selimovic

¿Why is a raven like a writing desk?